Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Join SFAP at Bellair Farm, Sept. 9

Celebrate the pleasure of the table!
Discover flavors of some Ark of Taste items!
Learn about SFAP's progress over the last year!
Find out how you can get involved!
Soak in the beauty of Bellair Farm!

Bring a dish to share, beverages, a blanket to sit on, and your own eating utensils.  
4 pm at Bellair Farm

Friday, August 24, 2012

Vinegar. Like none you've tasted before.

Right here, in Central Virginia, you can find vinegar like you've never tasted before.  Virginia Vinegar Works is producing vinegars in the ancient orleans- style from grapes grown right here.  We challenge you to try their white or red wine vinegars next to the store-bought varieties that you may have lurking in your pantry.

Orleans-style vinegars enjoy a place on Slow Food USA's Ark of Taste.

You can source these vinegars directly form Virginia Vinegar Works or The Local Food Hub.

OR come taste them at SFAP's upcoming potluck at Bellair Farm.